凛 と し た 人
Branding, Planning, Design work : Website, Contents
商品デザインやサイトの統一により、「凜として」という商品の根底に流れる「余計なものは加えず、身体によいものだけで作られたシャンプーである」という潔い世界観を構築することを目指し、 その上で、さらにブランド自体の存在感を強めていくため、私たちが新たに取り組んだのが情報発信です。
凛とした人 Dignified Person
Any product is not necessarily complete even though it is done developing. What should we do in order to increase the brand value? What can we do to get more people to know it? How will the product be recognized and accepted by the world? These things also need to be considered thoroughly . This also applies to the use case that we involved in the branding of the soap-based shampoo "凛として" (meaning dignified in English).
This product was made from the thought and passion of DAIKYO INC. in Toyama Prefecture to make a shampoo that is good for the body and the environment and can be used safely by everyone. We were in charge of branding including package design of this product.
By unifying the product design and its website, we aimed to build a clear view of the world that this was a shampoo made only with good things for the body with no addition of unnecessary things that underlie the product, "凛として”. On top of that, in order to further strengthen the presence of the brand itself, we made great efforts to offer information proactively.
Official website


そこで、まず、販売元である大協紙商事の社長にお願いしたのが、ブログやSNSでの発信です。 社長ご本人も、シャンプーはもちろん、日頃から日用品は必ず「体や環境に良いものを使いたい」という強いこだわりを持っている方でした。その点では、「凜として」が本来ターゲットとするべき「本質を分かる人」というユーザー層に、ぴったりとマッチしています。社長ご自身のメッセージを社会に伝えることが、新たな客層を獲得する絶好の手段ではないかと考えたからです。
First, what we asked the president of DAIKYO INC. to do is to post the information on blogs and SNS. The president himself is a person who has strongly cared about not only shampoos but also daily necessities that are all good for the body and environment. In this regard, it is a perfect fit for people who understand the essence of products, which should be the targets of “凛として” (meaning dignified in English). We thought that communicating the messages from the president to society would be the best way to attract new customers.
Official blog

By sending out the president’s own words, people who sympathize with his ideas are likely to be gathering and to get interested in the product itself. As a result, we can acquire customers who appreciate the product essentially for a long time rather than relying on affordability or passing fads. In order to achieve this, we explained that communicating information steadily on a daily basis was essential, and the president has continued to update the blogs.
However, there is a limit to the ability of the individual to communicate. That is why we started the interview site "凛とした人"(meaning dignified person in English).

Interview site "Dignified Person"

Interview site "Dignified Person"

This site focuses on women who live without being influenced by people or trends and even flattering and tries to figure out what kind of beliefs those women have and what kind of path they are walking on. We thought that the branding of the product would be further enhanced through the articles on the interview site, so we proposed this new plan.
The format of the site itself is as simple as possible. In order to express kind of the dignified appearance from the product “凛として” (meaning dignified in English), we adopted the style based on white, which is the same as the product, in the photos taken during the interview.
We believe that we were able to create an opportunity to make the product, "凛として", widely known to the general public, through the creation of a website that follows the world view of the product and through the interview contents of famous women who have immense influences.